Getting Stuff Done

The tools you need to take control of your workload and get back your life! 




Question _blue_largeDoes your workload feel never ending?

Are you exhausted just trying to keep up?

Does it feel like there aren't enough hours in the day - or the night?

I get that it feels impossible, there's so much on your plate and more being added each day.

You can't say no though the emails are never-ending and deadlines are piling up. 

There's not enough time to prepare well and it feels impossible to switch off. You feel exhausted. 

The good news is it is possible:

  • to plan for a week and know it's going to be good.
  • to finish work before dinner and know you've done enough.
  • to enjoy an evening or even a weekend, guilt free, doing anything you choose.

Using strategies that are evidence based, researched and proven to work, you can regain that energy and enthusiasm that brought you to this job/role in the first place. Rediscover that sense of doing something important, worthwhile, challenging yes, but in a way that is exciting and energising. 

Getting Stuff Done

What do you get?

I could talk about time and energy management for hours but I get it, you're busy! I know you'd like me to give you a magic wand, to get it all done, clear your plate, deal with it all...

What about I do the next best thing and distil the best bits of my experience into a 2 hour masterclass and then take those 2 hours and chunk them down some more so you can watch or listen to just the bit you need, right now. Here's what you get:

  • The benefit of 20+ years of my experience as a successful research academic, coach and trainer distilled into a short series of videos.
  • A masterclass in time and energy management edited into 5 bite-sized videos you can easily digest.
  • Each of the videos contains displays slides with an audio track expanding on the detail, explaining ways to apply the learning. 
  • Videos are subtitled - watch where and when you want. Subtitles mean it's easy, even when commuting.

Dropper - wide
Masterclass Distilled
In less than 2 hours you get the benefit of 20+ years experience.
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - Thinking Differently
Thinking Differently
Use your brain well - insights from neuroscience. Understanding what works and why can keep you on track!
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - What Goes Wrong
What Goes Wrong
Common problems: lack of focus, distractions, procrastination... and solutions you can apply.
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - Choices, Choices
Choices, Choices
How to prioritise and become aware of the filters you use.The secret to making better choices is understanding that we are always making a choice.
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - Practical Tools
Practical Tools
More tools to apply to your tasks so you can get more stuff done. Time-blocking, using deadlines, does it need to be perfect, eating frogs... and more.
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - Work Life Balance
Work-life Balance
Use a time audit of your week to make better decisions about how to spend your time. You'll tell me you don't have time for this... It will help you make time!
Strategies for Getting Stuff Done - Work Life Balance - Workbook
Slide content for reference
Any time you need a reminder, refer to the slides.
Strategies Subtitles
Watch where and when you want. Subtitles make it easy.
Margaret Collins

“I have been on several time management workshops during my previous 30-year commercial career but I found Margaret’s course the best by far. She managed to contextualize the material to fit my needs. I came away fired up to use several tools (some new, some old) in the best way to help me manage me!”

Margaret Collins

“I wanted to say THANK YOU! 😊. Reflecting on your comments about energy management (and not answering emails first thing in the morning) has revolutionised my productivity! Understanding why I was procrastinating has totally changed my entire perspective and I feel so much more effective for it.”


I know it feels impossible but the first step is to stop. When working longer and harder just isn't working, you need a better plan.

I'm not talking about magic or miracles but an approach that aligns your intentions with your energy and your actions.

I'm not promising you will do everything. If you clarify your priorities, learn to work smarter, create results that hit the mark then yes, you can do the most important things. This creates the focussed momentum and successful strategies that really get stuff done. When you know you've done the important stuff then you also know you have time to re-prioritise the rest.

Dr Margaret Collins 
Former Academic and researcher.

For many years I ran in that hamster wheel, many different activities, stuff that felt it just had to be done.

For me it was juggling the demands of delivering a teaching workload, examining and amending student reports, committees, meetings and yes managing my team of researchers. It felt as if the list of things I was responsible for delivering just grew and grew.

I never thought it would be an easy lifestyle but, really, did it have to feel like this? And then there was family stuff that always seemed to come second place...

I know you don't feel that you have the time. You're barley keeping your head above water right now.

So let me share with you what I've learned...

  • from 20+ years as a researcher and Senior Lecturer
  • from 20 years experience as a trained professional coach
  • after delivering training workshops for thousands of happy clients
  • from establishing my own business while caring full time for a sister with disabilities

As a researcher I was driven by the question "How does it work?" I still ask that question, about performance, about impact and yes, about productivity.

I've invested decades in learning, in reading and applying the strategies and tools I will share with you.

I've done the time so you can gain the benefits.

Your coach, Margaret Collins

"Best Time Management Session"

Margaret Collins

“The first thing I want to say is that this was one of the best time management sessions I've attended. It was engaging, the tips and hints on how to implement processes were great. It has given me a pep to implement your suggestions with time blocking and I really liked the matter's arising part. That is really useful. I have been attempting to implement some of this stuff already, particularly the time block but then always got distracted by email. I love your comment/question about email being an important job KPI... it's not!”

The easy to implement solutions in this masterclass include:

  • Identifying your most productive time of day
  • Consciously removing distractions
  • Creating protected time for productive work
  • Scheduling time for "stuff that comes up".

You really can begin to feel more in control and of your own time and output!

Sign up now for £27, if you are ready to learn strategies for getting stuff done, save yourself the stress and frustration of doing it all alone. 

Margaret Collins

“For me the time management was probably the best training I have ever spent. I came away with really practical solutions that enabled me to go back into the office with a clear plan for change. My day was energised by a sense of focus because rather than the day controlling me, I feel that I have a strategy that enables me to manage my day and get the job done.

I have shared what I have learned with lots of other people and I will be eating frogs at the start of every day until the supply runs out. ”

Got Questions?

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:

Will this really work for me?

These tools work. Some tools will suit you better than others. If you watch the video and apply the learning, things will change for you. If you make time to use them you will see the results for yourself. 

How long will it take to cover the content?

I've distilled the content into five main sections. The total viewing time is two hours but you can get benefits from watching even one video. The modular structure makes it easy to watch one section at a time.

Where can I watch the videos?

The videos are designed to work on any laptop, PC or mobile device. The videos are subtitled so you can watch without disturbing anyone else.

What if I'm not happy with my purchase?

I've described the content as honestly as I can. I use the strategies myself. I've shared this with thousands of clients who freely tell me how well it works for them. I believe many of these will work for you. If you have listened to the content, applied the strategies and you don't believe it's helping you get more stuff done, please do email me, I'd love to help you get the results you want.