Managing Pressure










Where are you right now?
Cool, calm, collected or at the end of your tether?

Are there too many things dragging you down, filling your days, and nights with stress?

Are you ready to figure out a better way? 

 Managing pressure positively needs you to look at both sides of the equation: the demands vs the resources. This means balancing the work you are doing, your workload and the resources you have for handling it, physically and mentally.

Sometimes you can reduce the demands being made on you. Saying "No" may not make you popular but learning how to say "No" or to delegate effectively are skills well worth learning and I encourage you to prioritise that. 

My goal in this masterclass is to give you more resources.

Let me show you:

  • how to think about problems - challenges - in ways that give options for action rather than routes to rumination.  
  • practical ways to meet your physiological and psychological needs. 
  • six research-based tools for increasing resilience.

Introducing the ...
Managing Pressure Positively Masterclass

The masterclass explores:

  • the relationship between stress and pressure
  • the biology and purpose of the stress response
  • ways manage your stress more positively
  • practical and easy to use tools to increase resilience


Margaret Collins

“I loved Margaret's ability to explain the effects of pressure and stress in a very down-to-earth and relatable way and the practical tips to build resilience. Thank you for a very engaging and helpful session.”

Margaret Collins

“Margaret was really good at making the session interesting. She gave very relatable examples that made it easier for me to understand. I really do feel like I will be able to consider pressure differently, re-framing it positively to some extent. I really enjoyed the session.”


I know it feels impossible but the first step is to stop.

When you know there's too much on your plate,
the candle is burning at both ends and your body is telling you to slow down...

Ignoring the warning signs doesn't work.

Doing more of the same, doesn't work.

I know your work won't magically go away, but you need to change something!

You need to manage the workload and manage the way you handle it.

This masterclass will help you manage your pressures more positively.

Dr Margaret Collins 
Former Academic and researcher.

For many years I ran in that hamster wheel, many different activities, stuff that felt it just had to be done.

For me it was juggling the demands of delivering a teaching workload, examining and amending student reports, committees, meetings and yes managing my team of researchers. It felt as if the list of things I was responsible for delivering just grew and grew.

I never thought it would be an easy lifestyle but, really, did it have to feel like this? 

I was worried that it was affecting my health, my work output, my relationships.

Fortunately I learned to make changes to what I was doing and how I was doing it, manage the pressures and handle the stress. Dealing with both sides of the equation was really powerful.

I know you don't feel that you have the time. You're barley keeping your head above water right now.

So let me share with you what I've learned...

  • from 20+ years as a researcher and Senior Lecturer
  • from 20 years experience as a trained professional coach
  • after delivering training workshops for thousands of happy clients
  • from establishing my own business while caring full time for a sister with disabilities

As a researcher I was driven by the question "How does it work?" I still ask that question, about performance, about impact and yes, about productivity.

I've invested decades in learning, in reading and applying the strategies and tools I will share with you.

I've done the time so you can gain the benefits.

Margaret Collins,  Trainer
Margaret Collins

“I found it very useful, especially learning about different techniques to relieve stress and how to build resilience.
Lots of takeaways for me and I feel I am about to turn a corner on this uncomfortableness now that I have some tools and new perspectives.”

What do you get?

I could talk about managing pressure for hours but I get it, you're busy! I know you'd like me to give you a magic wand, to make everything better, easier to manage.

What about I do the next best thing and distil the best bits of my experience into a masterclass and then chunk that down into bite-sized lessons so you can watch or listen to just the bit you need, right now.

If you need to improve your time management or assertiveness skills I can certainly help but this masterclass is about managing the pressure you feel. Here's what you get:

  • The benefit of 30 years of my experience as a successful research academic, coach and professionally credentialed trainer, distilled into a short series of videos.
  • A masterclass in how to manage pressure and stress, edited into bite-sized videos you can easily digest.
  • Each of the videos displays slides with an audio track expanding on the detail, explaining ways to apply the learning. 
  • Videos are subtitled - watch where and when you want. Subtitles mean it's easy, even when commuting.

Masterclass Distilled
You get the benefit of 30+ years research and experience distilled into bite-sized lessons.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 2 What is Stress?
Understand the nature and purpose of the stress response, how it's designed to keep us safe, why it has such effects on our bodies.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 5. Sources of Stress
Sources of Stress
Our physical or social environments can create triggers for stress, in and out of work. Waiting in a queue can feel as tough as a challenging conversation with a colleague.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 4 How much Control do you have
When we feel powerless or overwhelmed we need to ground ourselves and rediscover what control we have. In this moment we can accept or adapt, we can decide or delay. It gives us power.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 7. Stress and Needs
Meeting our needs
We may feel stressed or anxious when our needs are not met. We are not OK. When we see these feelings point to a deeper unmet need we can address the cause, not the symptom.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 9. Mind and Body
Mind and body
Mind and body work together, what we do influences what we feel. Even our thoughts about stress profoundly change it's effects on our body. Learn how to use both to create better results.
Cover - Workbook - Managing Pressure Positively - TFU - spiral cover 3D
Slide content for reference
Any time you need a reminder, refer to the slides.
MPP Lesson thumbnail 10. In Summary
Watch where and when you want. Subtitles make it easy.

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If you know this resource is for you, click the button below!

Margaret Collins

“... engaging, informed, well-organized, and helpful. Terrific advice. Making me rethink my priorities not only with my research but how to balance research, teaching, and the rest of my life.
It helped me to make my expectations more realistic and helped me to take some pressure off myself. It gave me tools to try for myself to see what works best for me.”

Got Questions?

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:

Will this really work for me?

These tools work. Some tools will suit you better than others. The content reflects my background experience as a lab-based, STEM researcher and will be relevant to anyone with a similar professional background. The principles are very widely applicable. If you watch the videos and apply the learning, things will change for you. If you make time to use them you will see the results for yourself. 

How long will it take to cover the content?

I've distilled the content into ten lessons. The total viewing time is less than 2 hours but you can get benefits from watching even one video. The modular structure makes it easy to watch one section at a time.

If you need to understand the biology of stress, start there. If you need tools to manage stress, jump right to that lesson!

Where can I watch the videos?

The videos are designed to work on any laptop, PC or mobile device. The videos are subtitled so you can watch without disturbing anyone else.

What if I'm not happy with my purchase?

I've described the content as honestly as I can. I use the strategies myself. I've shared this with thousands of clients who freely tell me how well it works for them. I believe many of these will work for you. If you have listened to the content, applied the strategies and you don't believe it's helping you manage your pressure more effectively, please do email me, I'd love to help you get the results you want.

Will this help me manage my workload?

Many of us experience stress because of demanding, often competing workload commitments. I do encourage you to reduce your workload where possible while you are learning these tools. Setting boundaries and learning to say "No" are often helpful strategies but I don't teach the detailed "how to do time management" in this masterclass (Search for "Strategies for Getting Stuff Done" if that's what you need!).

The focus of this masterclass is a) that you do need to manage the external and internal pressures you face and b) you can use the many different tools I offer to change your relationship with those pressures and effectively, practically reduce the stress that you feel.