Supervision for New Supervisors

This programme is for people who are 
- new to formal supervision
- taking responsibility for a research student
- supervising a Master's or even a PhD student

The workshop explores: 

1. The roles/responsibilities of a supervisor
2. The roles/responsibilities of a PhD student
3. Career destinations
4. Skills development & training
5. How to use & structure supervisory meetings
6. Plans for monitoring student progress/development
7. Preparing their student for thesis submission and for the viva exam.  

What do you get?

I could talk about supervision for hours but I get it, you're busy!
I know you'd like me to give you a magic wand, to make the the process easy and the student super successful...

What about I do the next best thing and distil the best bits of my experience into a 90 minute masterclass? Then let me chunk that down some more so you can watch or listen to just the bit you need, right now. Here's what you get:

  • The benefit of 30 years of experience as a successful research academic, coach and professionally credentialed trainer, distilled into a short series of videos.
  • A masterclass in how to feel more confident steering a student through the process, giving support while encouraging independence and all this edited into bite-sized videos you can easily digest.
  • Each of the videos displays slides with an audio track expanding on the detail, explaining ways to apply the learning. 
  • Videos are subtitled - watch where and when you want, in a browser or on the Simplero app. Subtitles mean it's easy, even when commuting.

Masterclass Distilled
In 90 mins you get the benefit of 20+ years experience.
Essential questions
What makes a good student or even, what makes a good supervisor?
Training students for what?
Career destinations and training options.
The learning curve
How students learn. Using different methods at different stages in their programme. Have a plan for structured development.
Doing Supervision
Understand how different management and communications styles fit different students or situations.
Using Supervisory Meetings
How to structure meetings to support you and the student, to monitor progress and get good results.
Preparing for the thesis and the viva
How to prepare your student to transition from research to writing, support them while writing and prepare them for the viva exam.
Cover - Slides - SNS Supervision for New Supervisors -spiral cover 3D
Slide content for reference
Any time you need a reminder, refer to the slides or your notes in the workbook.
SFNS3-Good Supervisor
Watch where and when you want. Subtitles make it easy.

The Supervision for New Supervisors Masterclass

The content reflects my background experience as a lab-based researcher but the principles of supervision, support and monitoring are widely applicable.

You may well have had informal experience of supervision for many years and now you have responsibility for getting the student to their destination, that formal qualification.

During the workshop, over 10 lessons, we explore:

  • The roles/responsibilities of a supervisor

  • The roles/responsibilities of a PhD student

  • Researcher career destinations

  • How to use & structure supervisory meetings

  • Plans for monitoring student progress/development

  • Preparing their student for thesis submission and for the viva exam.

I hope that whets your appetite for what comes next. Dip in as and where you need it. It is ordered in a logical flow and you can start at the beginning and work your way through to the end.

Margaret Collins

“I really enjoyed the Supervising Research Students workshop. Although I am an experienced supervisor, I learnt a lot and it was good opportunity for reflection.

In particular, reflecting on the different personality profiles for students (DISC) was very interesting and in hindsight explained some issues we had in the past.”

Margaret Collins

“The workshop was really useful, enabling me to formalize the structures of supervision.
We could reflect on existing supervision structures to evaluate and modify these rather than simply starting anew which I feel is important for allowing individual styles of supervision to develop.
A highly recommended workshop, even for those with substantial supervisory experience.”

Dr Margaret Collins 
Former Academic and researcher.

For many years as a researcher I was comfortable knowing I was good at what I did. I got on with my job and produced good results. Along the way, you help new students joining the lab. You get informal experience of supervising other students.

Nothing so informal quite prepares you for the responsibility of getting your own student to successfully supervise over several years to get their PhD!

You can get great benefit from the experience of supervising a range of research projects. Start with a small project, relatively short. Have a go and see what you learn.

Think of a Master's student. How do they differ? What do they need to know? What degree of independence do they show? 

And finally that PhD student. How can you help them develop both the practical skills they need and the professional awareness and self-reflection to demonstrate they have the independence needed? 

I learned some simple strategies to structure that learning process making it easier and less stressful for both me and the student!

When you understand, step by step, the new skills you need you can learn to develop them, one at a time until you're ready to put the whole package together - and it can feel like everything is different.

Like learning how to drive a car, this skill set of supervision can be learned and, just like learning how to drive, we can master one skill set at a time.

So let me share with you what I've learned...

  • from 20+ years as a researcher and Senior Lecturer
  • from 20 years experience as a trained professional coach
  • after delivering training workshops for thousands of happy clients

As a researcher I was driven by the question "How does it work?" I still ask that question, about performance, about impact and yes, about confidence. How does it work and how can I make it work for me - and for you.

I've invested decades in learning, in reading and applying the strategies and tools I will share with you.

I've done the time so you can gain the benefits.

Your coach, Margaret Collins
Margaret Collins
Dr Kerina Jones

“I have two PhD students starting this year and I wanted to learn more about how to supervise them effectively.
The course was just what I needed. It was delivered in an enjoyable way, at a good pace. The tutor was knowledgeable and used a range of teaching techniques and the questions to help me to think my way around being a supervisor, using examples from what I had learned from my own experience of being a student and of supervising others.
I would not hesitate to recommend the course to others who are involved in supervising research students.”

I used to think that being a good supervisor was a natural gift or maybe something you simply gained with practice. I learned it was a skill set I could identify and implement, one step at a time.

In this masterclass I invite you to reflect on the skills you will need as you support the growth and development of your student. A little planning before the student starts can save a lot more work once the project is underway. And of course, each supervision teaches you more. 

Sign up now for £27
If you are ready to master the skills of supervision, save yourself the stress and frustration of doing it all alone. 

Got Questions?

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:

Will this really work for me?

These tools work. Some tools will suit you better than others. If you watch the video and apply the learning, things will change for you. If you make time to use them you will see the results for yourself. 

How long will it take to cover the content?

I've distilled the content into short sections. The total viewing time is about 90 minutes but you can get benefits from watching even one video. The modular structure makes it easy to watch one section at a time.

Where can I watch the videos?

The videos are designed to work on any laptop, PC or mobile device. The videos are subtitled so you can watch without disturbing anyone else.

What if I'm not happy with my purchase?

I've described the content as honestly as I can. I use the strategies myself. I've shared this with thousands of clients who freely tell me how well it works for them. I believe many of these will work for you. If you have listened to the content, applied the strategies and you don't believe it's helping you communicate more effectively, please do email me, I'd love to help you get the results you want.